Englisch English Conversation Group – ab Do, 20.02.2025 Do you speak English? ab 18.30 Uhr Kursnummer 251-406-00 11 Termine Restaurant Ehinger Rose kostenfrei This open group meets every second Thursday in Ehingen at 6.30 pm Restaurant Ehinger Rose, Hauptstraße 10. We will start on February 20th, 2025, and then continue on March 13th, March 27th, April 10th, April 24th, May 8th, May 22th, June 12th, June 26th, July 10th and July 24th. There is no membership, the group is open for everyone who speaks English or wants to learn, for native English speakers and temporary guests in Ehingen who are here for business, trainings or just for a little holiday trip. For more information call the restaurant 07391 2737 or mail to u.meghit@ehingen.de. Fremdsprachen Kontakt bei Fragen zu Fremdsprachen, Firmenkursen oder Deutschkursen für Firmen: Ulrike Meghit, 07391 503 529 96